Friday, July 29, 2011

Frame started

We had a very successful week of framing with good weather. Slab and all this in 5 days. Pretty quick. I can't wait to see my first expensive upgrade.. double glazed windows. I believe they will be delivered in the next week.

roof trusses delivered. is the frame strong enough to hold them :)
We need more sunshine!

Monday, July 25, 2011

Base stage complete

As mentioned by the SS on the other day the slab pour happened today despite the bad weather. Also I received the first invoice. Good one.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Ready for the Slab

It is amazing to see how much work can be accomplished in a day. People on site finished the frame required for the slab pour in a day. That was remarkable! Good job.

Also got a call from SS and slab will be poured on Monday. They might start Frame in next week also. Yay..
Thursday (underground dranage pipe works completed)
Friday (Site is prepared for the slab pour)

Friday, July 15, 2011

Last chance to see them

Well nothing particularly spectacular. It looks like those concrete piers have been poured. I believe the slab will be poured within the next two weeks (if weather permits). Also the electricity is also connected. Cool.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Site scraped

I am pretty sure it has started now. Even though I wasn't told.. surprisingly someone has scraped my site :) Good one! Oh also taps...

Rear 400mm cut to level site. Hmm.. lots of landscaping work later to stop storm water entering the house?
Expensive rock removal :)