Friday, July 15, 2011

Last chance to see them

Well nothing particularly spectacular. It looks like those concrete piers have been poured. I believe the slab will be poured within the next two weeks (if weather permits). Also the electricity is also connected. Cool.


  1. That's a whole lotta piers right there. Your house isn't going anywhere!!!

    Won't be much longer for you Yam. Once Carlisle start they usually get on a roll that makes your head spin!!!

  2. Ha ha! Yes Reinsey!

    Let them take their time :).

  3. Hi Yam,

    Interesting that the piers are done separately from the rest of the house. Our piers were done when the slab was poured. Do you know what the advantages are for doing it this way?

    Good luck with the building process, it can be fun:-)
